
Welcome to Haver Games

Making games for you.

Privacy policy:

Term definitions

‘We’ refers to Cameo Games aps. This privacy policy counts for our apps on the google play account Haver Games. ‘You’ refers to the the user of our apps.

By downloading and installing our apps to your mobile device, opening and playing, you are agreeing to the terms outlined in the privact policy. This includes the collection and use of your information. If you or your guardian DO NOT accept the terms in the privacy policy then you should not download, access or use the apps, and you’re requested to remove the apps from all your mobilde devices

Should you be younger than eighteen (18) years of age, it is important that your legal guardian reviews and consents to this Privacy Policy before you use the Apps.

Chapter A : Children Privacy Policy

Chapter A is our Children’s Privacy Policy and outlines how we handle personal data for children under 16 using our Children Apps or those indicating their age as under 16 at the age-gate. We collect personal information from children only as detailed in Sections 3.2.

Children must not provide personal information. If a child under your care has provided personal information, email us at havergames.nnnn@gmail.com for removal.

We collect information as described in Section 3 to support our internal operations in compliance with legal standards.

We engage Third Parties (like ad networks and analytics providers) to collect information passively but ensure they adhere to privacy laws, including the US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). At the bottom of this page you can find a list of third parties that we work with along with links to their policies and links to optOut of their services.

An age-gate feature in our Apps is there to shield users under 16 from certain features, such as targeted advertising or data sharing.

Section 2 Offline use

Children can use some features of our Children Apps offline, which prevents the collection of any information about the user by us or third parties.

Section 3 Online use

There are 2 categories of data that we collected form our Children apps.

Section 3.1 Non-personal Information:

Our apps and third-party services may automatically gather anonymous information that doesn’t reveal the child’s identity. This includes technical data like the device type, operating system, session times, traffic sources, app interaction, ad responses, in-app purchases, gameplay statistics, app stability issues, and broad location (country level only).

Section 3.2 Children’s Persistent Device Identifiers:

We collect device identifiers like advertising IDs and user IDs to support the app’s internal operations but do not collect personal information like names or addresses. IP addresses are kept for one week for error logs before deletion. We adhere to platform policies regarding the use of advertising identifiers.

Purpose of Data Collection: The collected data is used exclusively for internal operations, such as:

Data Collection Methods: Data is collected via the app, including through third-party SDKs, and may be stored on the device using cookies-like technology. If third parties collect data from children, their privacy policies govern that process, but we ensure they comply with COPPA and our privacy standards.

Non-Processing Access: Some apps may access personal and non-personal information for specific functionalities without Cameo Games processing this data. For example, camera and microphone access for optional features like face manipulation, where content is stored locally and not transmitted to our servers.

Section 4 Sharing Information with Third Parties

Children Persistent Device Identifiers may be shared in specific scenarios, such as:

Section 5 Advertising

We display ads from third-party networks in our apps. These networks comply with privacy laws and COPPA. Clicking on ads takes users away from our apps, where the advertiser’s cookies and tracking may collect information. We advise guardians to review these advertisers’ privacy policies, as they, not ours, will govern those interactions. We may also advertise our apps on third-party platforms.

Chapter B: Cameo Games Hyper and Hybrid casual apps Privacy Policy

Cameo Games Privacy Policy outlines our practices for handling personal data of users engaging with Cameo Games Apps and those above 16 as confirmed through an age gate in our Children Apps. Apps in Chapter B refers to sections available solely to verified users over 16.

Section 6 Data Processing

This section describes the types of information we process from users that use our apps.

Section 6.1 Non-Personal Information We, along with third-party service providers (like ad networks and analytics firms), may collect anonymous data that doesn’t reveal user identity. While this data is non-identifiable, some regions may regard it as personal information; see Section 20.2 for more on this.

Section 6.2 Personal Information: Data that can identify users individually, which is considered private and sensitive. To our knowledge we don’t currently collect or process any personal information in any of our apps. 3rd parties might need it use it in cases of in-app purchases, and things like this.

Additionally, third parties might monitor and gather details of your online behavior across various digital services. For opting out of such tracking, consult Section 13. It’s important to note that if Non-Personal Information is linked to Personal Information, it will be treated as Personal Information. We refrain from collecting any payment details, government IDs, private contacts, microphone and camera data, or sensitive device data from users. Some Cameo Games Apps might access both Personal and Non-Personal Information for feature functionality, but this data isn’t processed by Cameo Games—it stays on your device and isn’t used or collected by us.

Section 7 Collection Methods for User information (How do we collect the information)

Section 7.1 Non-personal Information is acquired during your interaction with Cameo Games Apps. This collection happens through the app’s use, including APIs or SDKs integrated within the apps. Additionally, your device may store non-personal data through standard technologies like cookies and local storage (details on these technologies are provided in Section 12).

**Section 7.2 **Personal Information is collected directly from you or through third parties when you install or use Cameo Games Apps, or interact with ads within these apps. This data is gathered via the apps themselves or through third-party APIs or SDKs present in the apps. Your device might also save personal data through accepted industry methods such as cookies and local storage (refer to Section 12 for more on cookies and local storage).

Section 8: Objectives of Information Collection

The collection of Non-personal Information serves to:

The collection of Personal Information is for:

Section 9: Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

Beyond the previously mentioned circumstances in sections 6-8, we may share Personal Information in the following scenarios:

It’s important to note that we can freely share Non-personal Information with third parties as we see fit.

Please be aware that certain Cameo Games Apps may let users create and share their own content, like images or videos (“User Generated Content”), which may contain Personal Information. We do not interact with, gather, or distribute this User Generated Content. It remains within the specific App and on your device; not sent to Cameo Games servers. YOU MUST RECOGNIZE AND ACCEPT THAT ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION SHARED IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND DONE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Section 10 Advertising

We host various ad formats (like banners, interstitials, and rewarded videos) from third-party ad networks within our Cameo Games Apps. These entities may gather information related to:

  1. Your app usage for marketing and ad targeting purposes.
  2. Your geographic location and network details.
  3. Demographics such as age and gender from your device to deliver suitable ads within the app, manage ad exposure, and measure ad campaign success.

Ads served to you may be based on your IP, device identifiers, and other Personal Information collected through your use of the Cameo Games Apps. While you may opt for non-targeted or contextual ads within our apps, be aware that third-party networks might still deliver targeted ads if you have agreed to their personalized advertising elsewhere.

For a list of the third-party ad networks we work with, check the bottom of the page.

Please note, interacting with ads may result in the use of cookies and other tracking technologies by the advertisers to collect data on ad interaction and your interests, which may include both non-personal and personal data like device information, identifiers, and your location.

We encourage you to review the privacy policies and terms of any third-party advertisers before engaging with their ads, as those policies, not ours, govern your interactions.

In addition to receiving ads, Cameo Games Apps may also feature promotional content for our other apps. These ads are not user-specific but are widely distributed across various apps.

Chaperter C Addtional Terms and Conditions

This chapter outlines additional terms and conditions that apply to both Chapter A and Chapter B.

Some links within our apps, whether in advertisements or elsewhere, allow users to navigate away from our apps to third-party websites, products, or services. We do not have control over these external entities. Typically, these third-party sites provide their own legal documents, including terms of use and privacy policies. We strongly recommend reviewing those documents to understand their information collection practices before use.

Section 12. Local storage and Cookies

When you use our Apps, we and/or our partners may engage technologies like “cookies,” web beacons, and local storage, which save information on your device to recognize it and remember user preferences. For instance, if you mute an App, this choice is saved on your device for future use. These technologies also help us track App usage, manage ad performance, deliver relevant ads, and enhance overall service quality. The information is stored directly on your device and can be accessed by us and/or our partners. Third parties may use temporary session cookies (expiring when you close the App) and persistent cookies (which remain until deleted). This local storage may hold non-personal usage details as well as identifiable user information and location data, all collected under the terms stated here. You can manage local storage, including deleting or disabling it, through your device’s settings or as instructed by your device’s guidelines, third-party policies, and usage terms. While clearing or blocking cookies or adjusting device settings can be done, it may affect and limit your App experience.

Section 13 Don’t track and Opt out settings guide

The “Do Not Track” settings and opt-out options allow you to exert some control over how your online activities are tracked and how your information is used for interest-based advertising. Here’s a breakdown of how you can activate these settings on different devices:

iOS Devices:

Android Devices:

Note that opting out doesn’t stop ads from being displayed; it merely means that the ads may be less relevant because they won’t be based on your interests. Companies may still collect data for other uses, such as analytics and research.

It’s also important to remember that these preferences are generally device- and browser-specific. So if you switch devices, use a different browser, or clear your cookies, you may need to restate your preferences. Additionally, some third-party service providers may have their own opt-out mechanisms, and you would need to visit their privacy policies and follow the specified instructions to opt-out.

The list of third-party service providers and their privacy practices can often be found within the privacy section of the service you are using, and it should provide instructions for opting out where available.

Section 14 Deletion & Modification of Information

You, your guardian, or agent have the right to email us to access, change, or remove your personal data or your child’s identifier in our records, or to request we stop its usage. You can also ask us to have third parties, who obtained your data via the apps, to do likewise, and we’ll endeavor to ensure they comply. Some apps may allow direct in-app requests for data deletion. Once you cease using our apps, we’ll keep your data for a period deemed necessary to meet legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce agreements. Note that we can’t alter or delete information shared with social networks or third-party platforms through our apps. You may adjust your third-party settings to change what’s shared. Opting out of such sharing may limit your app experience. Non-personal or de-identified data may be stored by us indefinitely.

Section 15 Data Security

We prioritize the safety of your data and use standard industry practices to safeguard our Apps and your information from unauthorized access or use. However, please be aware that despite our efforts, no method of data transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security. THE COMPANY DISCLAIMS, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, ANY LIABILITY FOR THE UNINTENTIONAL DISCLOSURE OR UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS OR USE OF YOUR INFORMATION BY OUTSIDERS, OR ANY OTHER SECURITY BREACHES THAT RESULT IN THE THEFT, MODIFICATION, OR DESTRUCTION OF DATA, INCLUDING USER GENERATED CONTENT.

Section 16 Privacy Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy outlines the rules for using our Apps and handling your information. We may update this policy and encourage you to review this page periodically for any changes.

Google (Admob)

Privacy policy links: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites https://policies.google.com/privacy Google Admob’s Partners: https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/9012903 See “Contact Us” link of privacy policy https://support.google.com/policies/contact/general_privacy_form

Opt out links: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites

Chartboost Inc

Privacy policy links: https://answers.chartboost.com/en-us/articles/200780269 privacy@chartboost.com Opt out links: https://answers.chartboost.com/en-us/articles/200780269

Adcolony (A division of Jirbo Inc)

Privacy policy links: https://www.adcolony.com/privacy-policy/

Opt out links: https://www.adcolony.com/privacy-policy/

Unity Technologies Finland Oy

Privacy policy links: https://unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policy

Opt out links: https://unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policy; https://unity3d.com/legal/cookie-policy#cookies;

Apple (SearchAds)

Privacy policy links: https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/en-ww/ https://www.apple.com/privacy/ https://www.apple.com/uk/privacy/contact/

Opt out links: https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/en-ww/

Vungle Inc.

Privacy policy links: https://vungle.com/privacy/

Opt out links: http://vungle.com/privacy/#section-2-4

ironSource Mobile Ltd.

Privacy policy links: https://developers.ironsrc.com/ironsource-mobile/air/ironsource-mobile-privacy-policy/ legal@ironsrc.com ironSource Mobile Ltd. dpo@ironsrc.com 121 Menachem Begin Rd., Tel Aviv, Israel Attn: Data Protection Officer

Opt out links: https://developers.ironsrc.com/ironsource-mobile/air/ironsource-mobile-privacy-policy/

AppLovin Corporation

Privacy policy links: https://www.applovin.com/privacy/

Opt out links: https://www.applovin.com/privacy/ https://dash.applovin.com/p/how-applovin-shows-you-ads


Privacy policy links: https://www.mintegral.com/en/privacy/

Opt out links: See “Your Data rights” section (7) of privacy policy at https://www.mintegral.com/en/privacy/

InMobi Pte. Ltd.

Privacy policy links: https://www.inmobi.com/privacy-policy/

Opt out links: https://www.inmobi.com/page/opt-out/

Bytedance Pte. Ltd.

Privacy policy links: ttps://ad.oceanengine.com/union/media/privacy

Opt out links:

**Ogury Limited **

Privacy policy links: https://ogury.com/privacy-policy/

Opt out links:

Fyber Monetization Ltd.

Privacy policy links: https://www.fyber.com/services-privacy-statement/

Opt out links:

Facebook Audience Network

Privacy policy links: https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

Opt out links: https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/?entry_product=ad_settings_screen Facebook Custom Audience

Privacy policy links: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy

Opt out links: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy

Snap Group Limited (Snapchat)

Privacy policy links:

Opt out links:

Tapjoy, inc.

Privacy policy links:

Opt out links:

Smart Media4U Technology Pte. Ltd. (ShareIT)

Privacy policy links: http://www.ushareit.com/terms

Opt out links:

MoPub (Twitter International Company)

Privacy policy links: https://www.mopub.com/legal/privacy/

Opt out links: https://www.mopub.com/optout/

Adlogic Technology Pte. Ltd.

Privacy policy links:

Opt out links:

JetFuel (Real Labs Technology Inc.)

Privacy policy links: https://jetfuel.it/privacy

Opt out links: https://jetfuel.it/privacy

Adjoe GmbH

Privacy policy links: https://adjoe.io/privacy/

Opt out links:

Tik Tok Inc.

Privacy policy links: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/privacy-policy?lang=en

Opt out links:


Privacy policy links:

Opt out links:

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Privacy policy links: https://aws.amazon.com/privacy/

Opt out links:

Flurry Inc.

Privacy policy links: https://privacy.oath.com

Opt out links: https://policies.oath.com/ie/en/oath/privacy/controls/index.html https://policies.oath.com/xw/en/oath/privacy/optout/index.html https://policies.oath.com/us/en/oath/privacy/dashboard/

**deltaDNA Limited **

Privacy policy links: https://unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policy

Opt out links:

Google Analytics

Privacy policy links: https://policies.google.com/privacy https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/

Opt out links: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Privacy policy links: https://aws.amazon.com/privacy/

Opt out links:

Google (Google Cloud Platform)

Privacy policy links:

Opt out links:

Google LLC (Firebase)

Privacy policy links: https://policies.google.com/privacy https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy

Opt out links:

3rd party

Privacy policy links:

Opt out links:

AppsFlyer Ltd.

Privacy policy links:

Opt out links: privacy@appsflyer.com https://www.appsflyer.com/optout

Singular Labs Inc

Privacy policy links:

Opt out links: https://www.singular.net/privacy-policy/